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Test & Tell is a community of over 100 Conversion Rate Optimization professionals. Every month we feature industry experts in AMAs, our general discussion is filled with great conversation about A/B testing and our resources aggregate the best CRO content in the industry all in one place.

Typically there is a $50.00-lifetime membership fee to cover costs of bringing in industry experts, and maintaining the community. Thanks to our friends at ConversionXL you can register with the code “CXL” for FREE. (Hurry offer expires in 72 hours) 2/6/16 at midnight PST.

Sweet CRO Prizes

In addition to getting free access to the largest CRO community online, Peep and his team will be offering some incredible prizes for the best AMA questions including:

  • Best Question: 25% OFF CXL Live. Which you should be attending anyway, use the coupon code “EE” for a discounted rate.
  • 2nd Best Question: Free Access to Peep Laja’s CRO course. $1499 value!
  • 3rd Best Question: Free Copy Of How to Build Websites that Sell: The Scientific Approach to Websites Kindle Edition ($4.95 value)