Buyer's guide to CMS content modeling features

Discover the latest advances in content modeling and why it’s more important than ever for customer-centric organizations

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Optimizely kommer att lagra och behandla dina personuppgifter enligt beskrivningen i vår integritetspolicy. Du kan när som helst återkalla ditt samtycke.

When your organization is considering digital transformation initiatives, you’ll often hear the term "content model" in the context of the site or application you're building.

In the early days of web content management, a content model was closely related to site and page construction. A content model was important both for consistency of navigation, as well as the author experience.

However, as the world has moved to a greater focus on customer experience and omnichannel delivery, content models are even more important than ever - this is especially the case when it comes to evaluating and preparing for your next content management system or digital experience platform.