Optimizing the performance of client-side experimentation

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Optimizely kommer att lagra och behandla dina personuppgifter enligt beskrivningen i vår integritetspolicy. Du kan när som helst återkalla ditt samtycke.

Leading digital organizations innovate by using client-side experimentation to rapidly experiment at scale. However, implemented incorrectly, client-side experimentation can result in slower page performance. Thus it’s imperative to measure the impact of your experimentation program and optimize it for speed.

Download this whitepaper to learn:

  • The way to measure real-world performance of client-side experimentation
  • How web A/B testing and server-side experimentation work and the tradeoffs and benefits of each approach
  • How Optimizely invests in performance with solutions like CDN testing
  • Best practices for improving web A/B testing performance on your site