Unify all your data 

Maintain an updated view of your customers with unified, regularly refreshed data collected from your website, Optimizely sources, and 60+ available integrations.  

Manage your segments 

Easily create and manage segments for highly targeted & real-time experimentation, content, and commerce experiences.  

Activate across channels 

Customize the customer experience and build loyalty in real-time based on preferences and behaviors with automated activation. 

Top companies are using Optimizely Data Platform to create targeted customer experiences

Unify customer data, from every source

Ingest from and export data to Data Platform and other sources with 60+ one-click integrations, such as CRM, commerce, or email platforms.  

  • Connect to LinkedIn Lead Gen Ads, HubSpot, Salesforce CRM, and more.  
  • Quickly build, deploy, and maintain custom integrations.
  • Use unified data to view comprehensive customer profiles, track behaviors, create segments, and activate through downstream channels.

Experiment with advanced targeting and rich historical data 

Run more sophisticated and impactful tests by leveraging historical and third-party data that’s regularly refreshed with Optimizely Data Platform.  

  • Use attributes and events from any source to create segments and target them with different variations.  
  • Run highly-targeted tests with real-time segment data that's based on customer activities.   
  • For example, test different headlines based on the visitor's location, device, or previous purchases. 

Personalize content in real-time

Deliver relevant and engaging digital experiences to your visitors based on their preferences and behaviors.  

  • Create segments based on any attribute or event, such as browsing history, location, or email engagement.  
  • Activate those segments in real-time across Optimizely products and other channels, such as web, mobile, email, or push notifications.  
  • For example, personalize website homepage content based on the visitor's unique interest and site behavior. 

Create relevant commerce experiences for customers

Provide highly tailored buying experiences for customers based on their unique needs and preferences.  

  • Capitalize on product opportunities, buying behaviors, and hidden gems with AI powered predictive analytics. 
  • Create segments based on any attribute or event, such as browsing history, cart value, or email engagement, or find automatically segmented customers based on propensity to buy or churn. 
  • Activate those segments in real-time across Optimizely products and other channels. For example, offer a discount code based on customer cart value or product interest.  

När jag försöker demokratisera skapandet av idéer för experiment behöver processen ändå vara strikt och korrekt. Varje idégivare måste gå igenom Optimizelys certifieringsprogram så att de kan granska och analysera sina egna experiment. Med ett centraliserat system för att hantera hela processen halverar vi arbetsbördan.

Chef för produktanalys

Det mest användbara vi har gjort är att ge icke-experter möjlighet att köra experiment och förstå statistiskt tänkande. De sociala funktionerna kopplade till experimenten – kommentarer, "@"-funktioner, trådar, länkar till experimentresultat så att alla kan se dem osv – var utan tvekan det mest värdefulla på plattformen.

Experimenteringschef, Australian Red Cross

Already have a Customer Data Platform (CDP)?

CDP Audience Sync is a connector that allows you to use your own CDP with Optimizely Data Platform. Send segments from your CDP straight to Data Platform for real-time experimentation and personalization. 

Get started