Posted juli 09, 2014

Add Comments to Your Optimizely Results with Annotations

Today, we’re excited to announce that Annotations are now available to all Optimizely Platinum customers. Annotations allow you to add notes directly onto your experiment results, to provide a complete picture of the internal and external factors that might play a role.

graphical user interface, application

Today, we’re excited to announce that Annotations are now available to all Optimizely Platinum customers. Annotations allow you to add notes directly onto your experiment results, to provide a complete picture of the internal and external factors that might play a role.

annotations in Optimizely

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Let’s say you’re a marketer at a large e-commerce company, and you’re running an experiment on your product pages to improve “Add to Cart” conversions. A few days into the experiment, you launch an email campaign. The campaign results in a significant uplift in traffic to your site and a temporary change in your conversion rate.

In the past, it may have been difficult to pinpoint the cause of this change, especially when looking back on these results without context as to the other activities that had been happening at the time. Annotations allow you to leave a note directly to your results page to help you explain changes like this and other external events. These annotations are visible to all of the collaborators in your account, so everyone on the team can understand what factors might be impacting changes to experiment results.

We built Annotations with your feedback in mind. In fact, we decided to build Annotations in large part because of the overwhelming support it had received in our customer community, Optiverse. As of this writing, Annotations is the #2 most-requested feature. We hope you’ll continue to tell us your thoughts about new features in the “Product Ideas” board on Optiverse.

Platinum customers can start annotating their experiment results today. Simply visit a results page for one of your experiments and hover over a chart. To learn more about how to get the most out of Annotations, check out this article in the Knowledge Base.