Introducing the Experimentation Program Toolkit & Templates
As Optimizely’s Experimentation Program Manager since 2018, my job is to make sure we are “drinking our own champagne” and truly running a best-in-class experimentation program, lovingly referred to as “Optimizely on Optimizely.”.

In previous posts on the Optimizely blog we have shared the importance of having an Executive Sponsor, how to keep experiment ideas flowing by hosting Ideation sessions and how to think about driving your key KPIs with metrics movable via Experimentation. However, one of the key areas of investment I have made that’s been extremely impactful is documentation for all our processes.
This documentation frees me and others across the organization to focus directly on building the most impactful experiments and getting their hypotheses, metrics and experiment set-up right, as opposed to worrying about how to get it code reviewed or shared across the organization. By having comprehensive documentation that stakeholders have previously aligned on, it frees up experimenters to build and launch.
A dedicated Program Manager (me), organizational buy-in, proper enablement and alignment on key metrics is critical for the success of a mature experimentation program, but having all the processes for running the program day-to-day and quarter over quarter are also essential for ongoing success.
To help you accelerate your experimentation program, I’ve taken all the templates I use internally for Optimizely on Optimizely and made them into external templates. These can be used by anyone looking to get more of their company involved as well as those seeking to increase the ROI of their experimentation program. You can download the full toolkit including 15 free templates [here].
Over the course of the coming weeks, I will be sharing a series of blog posts that will walk through these actionable templates that you can then download and use immediately. I’ll also share how they’ve worked and considerations for rolling them out based on my time leveraging them at Optimizely.
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The blog and template series will include:
- [Define your Program] Setting Up your Program Structure & KPIs
- [Process for Scaling] Build, Launch & QA Experiments at Scale
- [Ideation] How to get Experiment Ideas from everywhere in your Organization & Creating your Experiment Roadmap
- [Launch High-Quality Experiments] How to Run an Experiment Review Meeting that Elevates Hypothesis-Driven Thinking
- [Visibility] How to make Experimentation Visible Consistently Across your Company
- [ROI and Impact] Demonstrating the ROI of Experimentation
You can get a jump start by downloading the full toolkit today which includes 15 free templates [here].
What are you hoping we will include in these templates and blogs? Comment below or tweet me @bexcitement.