
What’s holding online testing back and how to effectively incorporate online testing techniques into data-driven optimization and personalization strategies.

Forrester interviewed a range of brands including, HP, Microsoft, Target, Lloyds Bank, Nordstrom and more, and the report “assesses the state of online testing and calls on customer insights (CI) professionals to boost the strategic value that their practices can deliver.

Along with recommendations on best practices to boost continuous optimization strategies, Forrester also found that there is a need within the market for more executive support:

“It’s necessary to elicit executive support through a defined, overarching testing and optimization strategy. For example, Shop Direct, the UK’s largest online retailer, garnered significant executive support for the investment and cultural changes needed to succeed with online testing, but only after the company made continuous optimization a key corporate strategy.”

This research report, from Forrester’s Digital Intelligence Playbook, is authored by Forrester principal analyst James McCormick. We believe that it provides recommendations for online testing approaches for a continuous optimization strategy that will deliver the best possible customer experiences.

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