Feature Experimentation

From feature flagging to testing and release management, check out all the latest-and-greatest coming (and recently released) to Optimizely Feature Experimentation. 


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Optimizely Edge Agent (Now in Beta)

Run experiments entirely at the edge as simply as possible, without the need to implement SDKs or compromising on performance, scalability, or flexibility. 

  • Minimize Latency and Flicker: Reduce latency and eliminate flicker by running experiments entirely at the edge.

  • Simplify with Edge SDK: Avoid complex SDK implementations using our comprehensive Edge SDK with built-in decision caching.

  • Serverless Scalability: Deploy the Agent in a serverless environment, easing infrastructure scaling concerns and improving efficiency.

  • Request to join the beta here.

Metrics Hub

Metrics Hub simplifies and enhances metrics management by allowing you to create reusable metrics templates that can be applied across multiple experiments. This reduces repetitive work and ensures consistency in experiment tracking.

  • Create Once, Reuse Everywhere: Define a metric once and apply it to different experiments without the need to recreate it each time.
  • Streamline Metrics Management: Improve efficiency by managing metrics centrally, reducing manual effort and the risk of discrepancies.
  • Role-Based Access: Control who can create, modify, and apply metrics based on user roles and permissions, ensuring secure management.
  • Consistency Across Experiments: Ensure accurate comparisons and insights by reusing the same metrics templates across various experiments.

Compound Metrics

Compound Metrics empower you with advanced reporting and flexibility by allowing you to create metrics using two distinct events to form ratio-based metrics.

  • Ratio Metrics: Combine two events to generate metrics that provide valuable ratios, enhancing your reporting capabilities.
  • Flexibility in Reporting: Leverage this highly requested feature to gain deeper insights and customize your data analysis.
  • Enhanced Reporting Options: Enjoy greater flexibility and more sophisticated reporting possibilities with the ability to create compound metrics tailored to your needs.

Event Properties

Event Properties enhances experimentation by enriching events with custom data, making metrics more meaningful and precise.

  • Enhanced Metrics: Create more detailed and meaningful metrics by filtering events using additional custom data.
  • Simplified Event Tracking: Capture similar events, such as clicks on different elements, with ease, reducing complexity.
  • Event Grouping: Group related events into a single event and filter them by properties, all within Feature Experimentation's intuitive UI.

graphical user interface, application

Flexible Flags Dashboard (Now in Beta)

Flexible Flags Dashboard enables you to tailor and manage your flags more effectively with customizable views and detailed insights.

  • Custom Views: Configure, save, and share personalized views of your flags dashboard to fit your specific needs.
  • Detailed Insights: Drill down into individual flags to access comprehensive details and performance metrics.
  • Stakeholder Visibility: Provide stakeholders with relevant information on flag setup and highlight key flags to focus on, enhancing communication and alignment.
  • Request to join the beta here.

graphical user interface

Change Approvals

Change Approvals safeguard the quality and safety of feature flag and experiment changes, ensuring that every update is thoroughly vetted before release.

  • Approval Workflows: Set up granular approval actions for individual flags and experiments to maintain control over changes.
  • Team-Based Safeguards: Assign the right team members to approve or reject changes, adding a layer of accountability.
  • Streamlined Collaboration: Use intuitive workflows to manage and track approval processes, facilitating smooth teamwork.
  • Change Rationale: Accept or reject proposed changes with clear justifications, ensuring transparency.
  • Email Notifications: Keep requesters, approvers, and "watchers" informed with timely email updates throughout the approval process.

Team Permission Management

Team Permission Management simplifies the process of managing access to flags and environments by organizing users into collaborative teams.

  • Team Collaboration: Group users who work together into teams, making it easier to manage their permissions within Optimizely.
  • Centralized Permissions: Assign flag and environment permissions to teams rather than individuals, streamlining the process and reducing complexity.
  • API Automation: Automate team management using our REST API, ensuring that permission updates are consistent and efficient across your organization.

Impact and Results Reports

Impact and Results Reports enable teams to quantify the value of their experimentation efforts and make data-driven decisions.

  • Quantify Experiment Impact: Measure the cumulative lift or conversions for a given metric based on the results of completed experiments.
  • Project Financial Outcomes: Estimate potential revenue increases from positive experiments or calculate loss avoidance from negative outcomes.
  • Comprehensive Reporting: Use detailed reports to understand the full impact of your experimentation strategy, helping teams optimize future efforts.

Opal Chat

Harness Optimizely’s expertise anytime with Opal Chat, your 24/7 experimentation and platform guide.

  • Expert Assistance: Access a dedicated Optimizely expert around the clock to get advice on experimentation best practices and platform usage.
  • Ideation and Strategy: Chat with Opal to brainstorm what to test and how, optimizing the value you gain from Optimizely.
  • Contextual Support: Opal understands your current position in the platform to provide tailored guidance and support throughout your journey.

That's all for now! Want to watch the Experimentation breakout session from our recent roadmap webinar? Check it out!

Read our Release Notes for more information on all releases.


Learn more about Optimizely's roadmap

And that’s a wrap on the Feature Experimentation round-up! We’ll be back in your inbox soon with more exciting product updates.

Have an idea for a new feature? Don't forget to use our feedback link!

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Disclosure and Safe Harbor. [2022-8]. This product roadmap is intended to outline our general product direction. It is intended for information purposes only. It may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. Customers who purchase our products should make their purchase decisions based upon features and functions that are currently available. Any unreleased services, features, functionality, or enhancements referenced in any document, roadmap, blog, website, press release, or public statement that are not currently available are subject to change at our discretion and may not be delivered as planned or at all.  The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality remains at the sole discretion of Episerver Inc. (dba Optimizely).

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